T.I.C. is a gentle adjusting technique preformed in a seated position, allowing you to be in control of your body at all times. You will not hear any loud noises or experience any twisting of your neck or spine.
This positioning allows you to deeply relax and guide Dr. Mike to the areas of your body that need attention. In this state, your subconscious and nervous system are perfectly prepared to begin the healing process.
The adjustment is performed with a very gentle and specific pressure that is safe for everyone from newborns to seniors.
Our approach is especially beneficial for those who are nervous or hesitant about receiving chiropractic care, those with injuries, complicated conditions or anyone who is looking for a gentle touch.
In 2015, Dr. Mike began training directly with the founder of T.I.C., Dr. Jason Sabo. In 2018, Dr. Mike began teaching the technique to chiropractic students and, most recently, to Chiropractors in both the US and Canada.
This experience has allowed Dr. Mike to serve his practice members with the highest level of skill, experience, understanding and care.
I had such chronic allergies and sinus infections that I was told I would need surgery. In just a short time under care with Dr. Mike, all of allergy symptoms and headaches went away, I was sleeping better and I avoided surgery!